About Astra

Our objectives are to ensure that people with special needs have a right to meaningful work as equal citizens in the labour force, to develop their self-esteem and self-confidence thereby allowing them to strive towards social and economic independence.  We aim to assist and support Jewish people with special needs in finding meaningful work in the open Labour market which reflects their strengths and potential.

ASTRA CENTRE is the umbrella name which incorporates:


  • Jewish Sheltered Employment Centre

The Centre provides a comprehensive service to members of the Jewish community who have special needs (intellectual disability and/or mental illness).  It provides employment to 65 men and women who are unable to work on the open labour market.  Their participation enhances their self-esteem, and gives them the opportunity to enjoy social contact, as well as the dignity of labour.

  • Workability

This is a supported employment programme offering those with special needs the opportunity to work on the open labour market, with support.

  • Group Homes

The 3 Group Homes” (Rosecourt Foundation) provide supported residential accommodation for 26 men and women.

  • Coffee Time

The coffee shop employing workers from the workshop offers an excellent menu and is well supported by members of the public.

  • Giftime

The gift service is a fund-raising venture.  It is a gift service offering beautifully presented gifts for all occasions.  Many of the products in the gifts are manufactured at Jewish Sheltered Employment Centre.